Monroe Township Is Patiently Waiting To Get $570,253 From Marijuana Tax Payments!
For the first time since the drug was legalized in 2018, the state of Michigan is taxing marijuana sales. Monroe Township thinks it will get $570,253 from the lucky break. “Busy, busy, very busy. You drive by a dispensary, and cars are always there.
Christopher Papin, who lives in Monroe, said, “They’re making a lot of money, so it’s good to see it going out.” “I really like the idea. It’s great that we can make money off of the industry in Monroe right now. We have quite a few dispensaries.”
Alan Barron, who is in charge of the township, says that the money will be used with money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to fix roads, build a bigger playground for everyone, and fix problems with the fire station’s foundation.
Barron also wants to add more security and make the office for the township bigger. “The township hall needs a little more space. Barron said, “There are people working in the hallways.” Some people don’t like where the money is coming from, though.
“Legalizing isn’t the best way to get people to pay taxes, in my opinion. Fred Getter, who was born and raised in Monroe, said, “I don’t agree with legalizing marijuana or anything like that.” Another woman said that it feels like the dispensaries are taking over the town.
Colleen Rivera said, “I think it’s good for the city to make money, but I don’t think that means our whole neighborhood is just dispensaries. All the people from Pennsylvania and Ohio come to us. I live here and work at a restaurant here, and all of our customers come from this area.” Barron says that the township has a lot of other project ideas if the tax money from marijuana keeps coming in.